Handball is our tool to empower the youth. We envision supporting a diverse and multi-inclusive sports environment through playing the team-sport of handball, and to impart self-esteem, skills and knowledge to the next generation. In doing so, we would like to contribute to a world where young people grow-up in peace and have the skills to shape a positive future for themselves and others. We encourage respecting oneself, respecting others, and respecting the environment, which serve as the main tenets of our call-to-action.
Play Handball is an educational partner for handball (for) development. We develops educational programmes for handball and life skills to enable young people to positively impact their future. Handball is the tool to create learning experiences around valuable life skills and important socio-political topics such as environmental conservation, social cohesion, (gender) equity, inclusion, as well as health. We build capacity on grassroots level, support with knowledge, equipment and volunteers and work in partnership with community-based organisation in the implementation of our programmes.