Thanks to the jersey donation from FRISCH AUF Göppingen and the handballs donated by PASSA SPORTS from Cologne, the children in Machakos, Kenya, feel like real professionals. THANK YOU!
(A report by Jonas Ott, weltwärts volunteer for PLAY HANDBALL in Kenya in partnership with Kultur-Life)
My Name is Jonas Ott I am 18 years old and from Ebersbach/Bünzwangen. In 2024, I graduated from Georgii-Gymnasium in Esslingen and decided to spend a year doing social volunteer service abroad. I applied for the German government’s development volunteer program weltwärts, and since September 2024, I have been volunteering for PLAY HANDBALL in Kenya.
Together with my fellow volunteer and good friend Robin Lorenz, I support the sports and youth development organization in Machakos—both in schools and in after-school programs. (more…)
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