Thanks to the jersey donation from FRISCH AUF Göppingen and the handballs donated by PASSA SPORTS from Cologne, the children in Machakos, Kenya, feel like real professionals. THANK YOU!
(A report by Jonas Ott, weltwärts volunteer for PLAY HANDBALL in Kenya in partnership with Kultur-Life)
My Name is Jonas Ott I am 18 years old and from Ebersbach/Bünzwangen. In 2024, I graduated from Georgii-Gymnasium in Esslingen and decided to spend a year doing social volunteer service abroad. I applied for the German government’s development volunteer program weltwärts, and since September 2024, I have been volunteering for PLAY HANDBALL in Kenya.
Together with my fellow volunteer and good friend Robin Lorenz, I support the sports and youth development organization in Machakos—both in schools and in after-school programs.
My Passion for Handball
Handball has been a big part of my life since I was six years old. As an active player for SG Untere Fils, I have learned a lot from this team sport—especially teamwork, camaraderie, perseverance, and respect. Now, through my weltwärts volunteer service, I can pass these values on to children and young people in Kenya.
My Daily Life in Kenya
My daily routine is very different from what I was used to in Germany. In the mornings, I teach students at a private primary school. At first, this was a huge challenge – not just because I had only experienced school from a student’s perspective, but also due to the limited resources. Often, only three textbooks are available for eight students. While each child has an exercise book and a pencil, erasers and sharpeners have to be shared. Still, the lessons work – everyone helps each other.
In the afternoons, we hit the handball court. In the beginning, we had only ten handballs for 50 to 100 children. Thanks to the generous donation of 40 handballs and ball pumps from PASSA SPORTS, our training has improved significantly.
Handball here is more than just a sport – it’s an important tool for teaching values. One topic especially close to my heart is gender equality. We want to show girls that they are just as valuable as boys, that they can do more than just help around the house, and that they, too, deserve to have fun in sports. At the same time, we teach boys to respect girls and women.
A Huge Thank You!
With 80 jersey sets from FRISCH AUF Göppingen and the handball donation from PASSA SPORTS, we can now offer even better training. These donations are also a huge support for our upcoming tournaments.
On behalf of PLAY HANDBALL and, most importantly, the children, I want to say THANK YOU! This support has sparked incredible enthusiasm for handball, and it brings so much joy to see the children happy on the field.

My Perspective on the World Has Changed
The past 100 days have profoundly changed my view of the world. I now see many things that are taken for granted in Germany in a completely new light. A functioning social security system, financial aid in emergencies, access to clean drinking water, and quality healthcare – these are not available to everyone in Kenya. In particular, in the slums, which I visited with our host mother and the national coordinator of PLAY HANDBALL, running water is scarce, and many young children barely have any toys. Experiencing this firsthand has been humbling.
How Can You Help?
The weltwärts program is 75% funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The remaining €3,500 must be raised by the volunteers themselves through donations.
Thanks to the support of my family, friends, and acquaintances, I have almost reached my donation goal. A special thank you to:
- Staufen Direktwerbung GmbH in Wangen
- Kölle GmbH in Esslingen
- Mrs. Rubner and Mrs. Haberzettl from the Göppingen district, whose school fee donation enables three children to attend school.
I would be grateful for any additional donations from home! You can support me via my GoFundMe account or follow my experiences on Instagram at
What Happens with Additional Donations?
Every euro beyond my personal fundraising goal goes directly to PLAY HANDBALL Kenya and will be used for projects with children and youth in Machakos.
Jonas Ott